The Pathways Bible Study Method
The church has been commissioned to “make disciples of all nations”. Matthew 28:19-20. In many different regions of the world we are seeing rapid growth in the church as multitudes are coming to Christ. While that is commendable what we are not generally seeing is the effective transformation of many of those new believers. They are not learning to “obey all that I have commanded you”. The primary resource God has given us to accomplish the task of building strong disciples is the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God working together to transform lives. We believe that one reason for the lack of growth in discipleship is that most pastors do not know how to study or teach the Word of God accurately.
We aim to train church leaders in every culture to study, teach, preach and practice the Word of God effectively.
We want to see all pastors accurately teaching and preaching the Word of God to their congregations in a life transforming way.
We use a discussion based, interactive, learn by doing approach to teaching skills and disciplines of Bible study.
We value the Word of God as the main resource He has given us for life transformation.
We value dependence on the Holy Spirit for our training efforts and for understanding, teaching and preaching the Word.
We value humility in our training methods and respect for all believers in every culture.