We train trainers through a Bible training program called, Pathways. The Pathways Bible Training program is designed to help church leaders gain practical skills in studying the Bible so that they can understand and apply God’s message for themselves and for their congregations.
The Pathways method is not just for the international church, it also applies to church members in the USA. We use instruction, practice, discussion, exercises, interactive presentations, and demonstration sermons to help students learn how to use the tools and skills for Bible study and to begin to develop the habits that are necessary to use God’s Word appropriately.
We offer a wide variety of workshops in the USA. We would be more than willing to come to your location, free of charge, if we do not currently have a workshop scheduled in your area.
Here are just a few of the many options we can offer to your church:
One Day Workshops:
Introduction to Pathways Bible Study Methods (1 day)
Learning Context (1-2 hour)
Custom 1 Day Workshop
Multi-Day Workshops:
Jonah Workshop (1.5 day)
Learning Context (1-2 hour)
Custom Multi-Day Workshops (Depending on your location, some churches have chosen to use multiple Sunday School Classes or Small Group times to break up a workshop into multiple sessions.)