Join the effort to reach the unreached
We often think that our contribution to missions is limited to giving towards missions and taking short term trips. But the reality is the greatest contribution we can make on the expansion of the Kingdom of God is through prayer.
Do not minimize the calling we have been given as Christ-followers to pray! Crying out to God for hearts to be open to the gospel, acknowledges our dependency on Him and an understanding that only by His power will Jesus’ Kingdom come.
Unreached People Groups
Many of the below resources will guide you in knowing how to pray for unreached people groups around the world. What is an unreached people group? According to an unreached people group is where:
2% or less Evangelicals, and 5% or less Christians at all
The gospel is unfamiliar to most, and has had little societal impact
Non-Christians rarely have opportunity to observe and interact with Spirit-led Christ-followers
Most households cling tightly to their generational identity “foreigners to the…promise, without hope and without God” (Eph 2:12) and thus…
Individuals choosing to follow Christ are generally perceived to have betrayed and shamed their community
Note: We have no affiliation with the ministries below, but have found them helpful as we continually expose ourselves to global missions