Not getting the most out of your personal or group Bible study? Do you read the Bible, yet feel you don’t get much out of it? Do you find the Bible difficult to read and hard to understand? If so, be encouraged:

The Pathways Bible Study Method is designed to make the Bible comprehensible, and the study of it rich. This method doesn’t tell you what to believe, but helps you discover for yourself what the Bible says.

This study is designed to be used in a small group setting. Over the course of a 13-week study you will learn a step by step process of accurately studying the Bible. Each week new tools will be added to build on previous sessions. The method is simple and fairly easy to learn.

These principles have been used all over the world to teach pastors and laymen, both men and women, to learn how to study the Bible. Now in this study these same principles are available for use in your small group. This is a simple, transferable, uncomplicated method. It is a fresh and enjoyable way to do Bible Study.

After pastoring for 23 years, Alan J. Lewis now trains pastors and lay leaders worldwide. He and his wife, Edie, travel extensively and have taught this method to over 5,000 people. It’s a clear, transferable, uncomplicated method. It’s a fresh way to do Bible study.

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